Mum's Pavlova

If you’re Australian there would have to be one time of year for enjoying this very high sugar dessert classic. If you limit sugar the rest of the year, you can’t be too hard on yourself for giving this one a go. I’ve tried to make using alternative sugars, not sugar, but there really is no substitute here.

This recipe is one passed down to me by my mother and grandmother, and now passed onto my Daughter Emily, who nailed it first go, using all the little tips in the making. Enjoy xxx


4 egg whites

1 cup castor sugar

Drizzle vanilla extract concentrate

Pinch cream of tartar


  1. Preheat oven to 160*C (fan forced) and prepare baking tray with piece of paper or foil

  2. Separate the eggs, ensure NO YOLK gets in the white, put in mixing bowl (make sure the bowl is clean and dry)

  3. Turn mix master on high. Beat until eggs go past foamy bubbly stage and onto mouse stage

  4. Once moussey, add sugar gradually.

  5. Beat until mixture forms stiff peaks (it should be glossy and beautiful)

  6. Add Vanilla and mix through

  7. Add cream of tartar and mix through

  8. Scoop out onto baking paper/foiled tray. Make small well in centre

  9. Bake at 160*C for 7 minutes, then lower to 140*C for remainder of hour. If it looks like its going a bit brown, turn temp down a bit more and keep an eye on it. DO NOT OPEN THE OVEN

  10. Once done, let it cool COMPLETELY in the oven.

  11. Close to serving time, top with fresh seasonal fruit (loving berries, cherries, mango or nectarines) and a dollop of coconut yogurt or fresh cream.

    *NOTE: If its really humid and you have the luxury of air conditioning in your baking space, pop the air on so as to keep the humidity out of the air. If it’s humid, the shell of your pav may go a little soft.

    Don’t be afraid of giving this a go from scratch.

    Enjoy, from my heart, from my Mum and Grandma now both passed xxx

Sharon Lea