Macadamia Choc Chia Cookies

Any time’s a great time to make these tasty biscuits to share.

They’re healthy!

There’s no processed sugar!

They last well in an airtight container, so perfect for lunches or as a snack on hikes. I hope you enjoy them as much as I do. Happy baking :)


1 cup almonds

1 cup macadamias

5 medjool dates (pitted)

1 cup buckwheat flour

3 heaped tbsp. raw cacao powder

3 tbsp. chia seeds

¼ cup pure maple syrup

2 tbsp. coconut oil

¼ cup filtered water


Preheat the oven to 180 °c.  Line 2 trays with baking paper and set aside.

Then simply place the nuts into a food processor and blend for a minute or so until a rough flour forms.  Next add the dates and chop for a minute, before adding all the remaining ingredients, saving the water until after everything else is blended. Blend until a sticky dough forms.. (Add water here as required, a tiny bit at a time until the mixture joins together)

Roll about a tablespoon of mixture into a ball using your hands, and place this onto a paper lined baking tray.  Gently flatten until they’re fairly thin. They will spread a little bit, so do leave space between each biscuit (2 trays of 12 biscuits).

Bake for around 20 minutes at 180 °c or until the cookies are firm and beginning to slightly brown. *ALL OVENS VARY, SO KEEP AN EYE ON THEM SO THEY DON’T BURN. Remove from the oven, and leave to cool on the trays for a few minutes before eating.  Once cool, store in an airtight container.

~Enjoy ♥ Shaz~

Sharon Lea