Nourish and Heal Yourself.
The practice of yoga is something achievable for everybody with the desire to live a long and healthy life. All of us right! It can be as little as a few gentle mindful movements from the comfort of your chair, to a more active flow, as your body adapts to each stage of life at any given time.
Your yoga really is just that. It’s your yoga! We are all making our way through this life at different stages, with uniqueness in our body’s allowing us to develop or maintain a certain level of fitness for each of these stages of life.
My yoga journey began with the gift of a game on wii fit from my children for mothers day, then a progression to a yearning to explore this feeling more utilising a dvd. I was a bit of a home body back then. A yoga studio opened up close to home so it was time to venture out and I’ve not looked back.
Dedication to practice, helping to heal the wounds of depression, I felt urged to help others feel the same awesome benefits that I was able to attain and maintain. This was achieved with the undertaking of my first Teacher Training with Michelle Freeman Yoga and Bonfire Yoga, setting me up a firm foundational understanding with confidence to guide and share.
The learning is exponential for the benefit of both my students and myself, with many amazing teachers sharing their passion, along with these wonderful practices. I have chosen to extend my Vinyasa training with the Power Living Team, Duncan Peak; Yin knowledge gained with Truth Robinson, Power Living; Mindful Movement with Simon Borg-Olivier; Strong yet playful Vinyasa with Meghan Currie; Meditation, Mantra and Breath with Rose Baudin and the amazing duo team Bess and Tahl of Creature Yoga; Deepened my understandings of the practice of Ashtanga through Dena Kinsberg, with much more philosophy and Mantra to warm the heart; Yogic Philosophy with a focus on Sanskrit, in person with Carlos Pomeda; The art of Touch with Gwyn Williams, a taster into the world of Zenthai. All of these trainings and teachers I am truly grateful for. To have been able to attend, continuing to draw on knowledge gained, both for my home practice and students I share with is a real essence of being. Just love it!
Through training and practice of yoga and meditation, I am able to develop and guide you through a variety of practices. From a Yin practice, allowing the release of facial tissue utilizing longer holds in specific asanas, through gentle flowing Vinyasa practice, to a more challenging Vinyasa practice, once strength and self confidence is attained. Nurture and nourish you in and out of posture and practice, remembering this is just that. A practice! Often playful. Always changing. Sometimes challenging. Sometimes it’s stillness, as we delve into the world of Pranayama & meditation practices.
Recording Studio Fun Times for the Singing Bowls
I have expanded my offerings, having undertaken training in playing of the singing bowls, to assist in guiding all to another place of relaxation, truly healing from within. How Blissful!
My passion for creating healthy, tasty food to share at times after class, is another area of expertise I’ll continue to share, either at class or in a Retreat Environment.
I remind myself each and every day, this is a practice for longevity, whether it be physical, or one of the more subtle practices of yoga. I’d love to be sharing with you all well into my later years, remembering to keep in touch with that playful side, and tap into the quieter side when necessary.
Breathe. Connect. Be.
Summa Iru. Simply Be.