Change of Season - Remember to nourish yourself

Even in our mild climate, we still have to be mindful of these cooler mornings and evenings, remembering to look after ourselves a little more.

This could be something as simple as the inclusion of a warm lemon drink each morning to start your day in the right way. This cleansing start to your day also gives you the added benefit of extra vitamin C to boost your immune system. Now I’m no dietician, but I adopted this habit a few years back now, and appears to be working well for me. Marry this up with adequate rest for the body to alleviate you feeling run down to begin with and I think we could be onto something.

Another habit or conscious decision is to make myself up a pot of lemon, ginger, turmeric and honey tea (as pictured above). I often have this as I come out of teaching class and share when the ingredients are available. Lemon and ginger aren’t the problem. But sourcing some turmeric at those little fruit stores when you see it, and some organic honey (not big chain store bought), really makes a difference to the healing qualities and taste to this tea. Jason and Natasha from Bee All Natural are my go to for this goodness, liquid gold in the form of Honey. Good to find a local supplier and stick with them. Your body will thank you for it.

Short and sweet for this first blog post (pun intended). Rest up, nourish your body well, and keep active. The best way to beat the change of season illness that may be around at the moment.

Take care

Shaz xx

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