Soba Noodle Salad with Bragg's Dressing


200g Soba Noodles cooked as per packet / Pulse pasta spaghetti if you want a total gluten free version that works ;)

1 cup carrots (cut into matchstick or grated)

1 cup continental cucumber (remove seeds and slice into little moons)

1 cup edamame beans (thawed and shelled)

3/4 cup snow peas (cut into pieces 2cm wide)

1 cup red capsicum (sliced into strips & pieces of your choice)

1 stick of shallot (cut diagonally thinly)

1/2 cup red cabbage (thinly sliced)

2 tsp. lightly toasted sesame seeds

A little freshly cracked pepper over the top if desired

Dressing Ingredients:

2 tbs. Bragg’s All Purpose Seasoning / Tamari

2 tbsp white wine vinegar

1/4 cup orange juice

juice of 1 lime (about 1 tbs)

1 tsp raw honey (the real thing)

1 red chilli (seeded and very finely chopped) *to your desired level of heat here. Use your discretion ;)

1 clove garlic (crushed)

1 dessertspoon sesame oil

3 tbsp olive oil


Place the vegetables into a large bowl as you chop them, and set aside.

Prepare the noodles as per the pack. (Should be about 4 mins cooking time, then rinse well with cold water) Set aside to drain well.

In a medium jug/bowl place all the dressing ingredients except for the sesame oil and the olive oil, and whisk together well. Gradually add the sesame oil, whisking as you do, then do the same with the olive oil, whisking until your dressing has formed.

Carefully combine the noodles with the vegetables until you have an even mix throughout.

Give the salad dressing another whisk and pour over your salad, finishing with a sprinkle of sesame seeds over the top.

Enjoy x

*Side note for you: You can make this ahead of time. Just keep the components separate. The veges in an airtight container; the noodles cooled and dry in another container; then the dressing you could keep in a jar, and give it a good shake just before adding to your salad. Same with the sesame seeds, separate container and sprinkle last thing.

Sharon Lea